Bookworm Beat

Bookworm Beat

one reader's opinions

2 Stars
White Wild Indigo by Jet Widick
white wild indigo - jet widick
Lovely illustrations throughout, but the poetry made me feel like I was reading a bunch of greeting cards.
Not impressed.
I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
3 Stars
The Matchbook: A Short Story by Brent Jones

A young man missed a connection with the love of his life and goes back seven years later to find her.


Are some things better left alone or should we do whatever it takes to get what we want?


How far would you go to get a second chance?  How far will Corbyn go?


I received a Kindle edition of this book through a Goodreads giveaway in exchange for an honest review.


3/5 stars

The Murder Pit
The Murder Pit (A Moose River Mystery Book 1) - Jeff Shelby

by Jeff Shelby


It’s been a long time since I read something I could not bear to put down.


Fiction written in conversational style. I forgot the author was neither a woman, nor a native Minnesotan. Though the little extra stereotypical Minnesota-speak, a “you betcha” that seemed a little forced should have reminded me. *snicker*


Quick, easy-to-read chapters with just enough detail for your mind to fill in the blanks, the small-town murder mystery in Moose River pulls you right along.  Amusing and completely believable, especially if you’ve ever lived in a small town in Minnesota.


If I ever go old house-hunting, there are a few extra items I’ll be checking out, just to make sure I don’t buy my own Murder Pit.


Check out the series here: Moose River Mystery series